A Water detector is a small electronic device that is designed to detect the presence of water and alert humans in time to allow the prevention of water damage. A common design is a small device that lays flat on a floor and relies on the electrical conductivity of water to decrease the resistance across two contacts. A 9 volt battery then sounds an audible alarm in the presence of enough water to bridge the contacts. These are useful in a normally occupied area near any appliance that has the potential to leak water, such as a washing machine, refrigerator with icemaker, dehumidifier, air conditioner, or water heater.

By a simple applied technology, such as electronics, we can solve many simple problem as mentioned above. With the small dimension of electronic component and small power too, we can realize our need, such as automatic lamp, remote controller, water tank level controller.
Beside all that mention above, we can make many device that valuable to our need, such as decorative lamp, amplifier, detector etc. The simple applied electronic circuits are divided in to two groups, analog and digital circuitry.
Analog electronic circuits are those in which signals may vary continuously with time to correspond to the information being represented. Electronic equipment like voltage amplifiers, power amplifiers, tuning circuits, radios, and televisions are largely analog (with the exception of their control sections, which may be digital, especially in modern units).
In digital electronic circuits, electric signals take on discrete values, which are not dependent upon time, to represent logical and numeric values. These values represent the information that is being processed. The transistor is one of the primary components used in discrete circuits, and combinations of these can be used to create logic gates. These logic gates may then be used in combination to create a desired output from an input. In this page you can find one of the circuit.
indonesia: Dengan menggunakan rangkaian pendeteksi air serta komponen inverter, D flip-flop dan rangkaian relay, maka dapat dibangun sistem kontrol pompa air untuk menjaga kondisi tangki tetap terisi air. Ketika air berada di bawah level terbawah, maka pin set dari D flip-flop akan diberi sinyal rendah sehingga keluaran Q akan tinggi dan membuat saklar relay menutup dan pompa air bekerja. Ketika air mencapai level tertinggi, maka pin clear akan diberi sinyal rendah yang akan mematikan pompa. Dengan demikian maka tangki air akan terjaga selalu dalam kondisi terisi.